Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Oh Jackie O!

Pillbox Hat by Tom Palumbo.
Oh how I've been wanting to finally create a mod and demure pillbox hat for a bride to sport down the runway, eh hem, I mean aisle... I finally finished one, and I'm happy with the result. My love for has started when I was in the 4th grade and I bought my first hat that resembled New Kids on the Block Style fedora, but in a girly way. I was made fun of by the kids who wear foreign to the fashion ( lol), but I didn't care. I knew I loved it and wanted to wear it all the time. Now that I'm much older, I still find that my love for fashion and hats has never died. Here is my inspiration behind my recent creation, le Pillbox Hat.. oh lala

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Oh How I love... Stephen Jones!

 My Own Creation:

Stephen Jones, British milliner, has been inspiring me so much these last weeks. Being so busy with my two daughters and working on orders, I have found wonderful exile in sifting through amazing photos of his creations. His recent collaboration with Dior, John  Galliano, and L'Wren Scott ( to name a few!) for Spring 2011 came just in time, since we are all coming off of the honeymoon of the Royal Wedding fashion frenzy! Thank you Stephen for inspiring us who believe that romance, adventure, and class start with an amazing hat!